I am looking for a list that shows all of the top selling products in the meat department for each and every holiday...Please help it is very important that I get this document. Thank You
that's gonna be a hard list to put together. Mostly because products that move on holidays may differ through different demographics (cultures/tradition/etc.). What type of demo do you have in your area. For example we are located in a predominetly dutch/german populated area and on new years it is a huge tradition to eat pork and saurekraut, so the week before we sell hundred of hundreds of pounds of pork (bone in/boneless/butts/picnics/anything pork haha).
Thank you for the reply...I guess I am just looking for the major holidays( Christmas, Easter, etc.) The major holidays Like, Christmas for example...Tenderloin roast, turkeys, crown roast, ribs, etc. Easter ( Lamb, Turkeys, Hams). I guess I am looking for a list that consists of major products that you do want to have on hand during the holidays to satisfy all customers. I live in Pennsylvania right outside of Philadelphia. If you could help it would be great and a big help...