hey,just found site after loosing it from the change over. i have been watching the financial crisis for a while now and from what we see in the news here in australia about the state of usa is scary. is it that bad? from what i read and see it looks like your fed is pullen the wool over your eyes and and you all just sit back like sheep and let them sabotage your ecconomy. your property looks like it has taken a big hit , but her in australia property is the most expensive in the world. while your gov keeps printing money ,your money is worth less every day. i think you all should pull together and start asking questions as to what they are up to. after all would you go into dept to pay back dept? cause thats whats goin on all round the world.what is the general public veiw on the state of things over there? steve.
Yes we are taking a beating right now BUT many people are getting upset over it, congress do what they want. BUT I think when the next elections come up a lot of them want be back.
it's great to see you back with us, don't lose the link this time lol