Sorry I missed you big man.....would have loved to had you stay over and shoot the bull here with me...but with ailing parents and now myself, I was busy running to the Drs. My father has blood clots in both lungs, and had some troubles with his meds, and myself, I now have severe heel spurs called posterier heel spurs along with the spur on the bottom of the feet, yes both feet at once!.....just my luck... but I won't miss work.
I will try to take some pics of my meat case to send you....its a 5 deck case that is I think around 60 feet long....its new and believe it or not black, and I like it. Gets kinda frustrating trying to keep it filled up, especially when stuff isn't selling and we been throwing out so much product. I been trying to only cut the bare minimal, but it seems like even that is too much some days....
OK i'm babbling as I am now on vicoden 750s for my feet and they make me ramble on....but don't help out my feet I am going to go..but wanted to say I miss you.
I'm SORRY I miss you and two more over that way. But there will be another time LOL I know your feet is giving you a lot of trouble, my brother is getting his disabitily on his now.
DO HOPE YOU GET TO SEND THE PICTURES !! you know we love looking at meat cases around here lol