mimeatguy, i think maybe you were where it was a local name, like at one time i worked in a area where they cut the wing bones off neckbones and called them southern riblets
mimeatguy, i think maybe you were where it was a local name, like at one time i worked in a area where they cut the wing bones off neckbones and called them southern riblets
Ya I think your right. I don't know how many times over the years a customer from some other part of the country has asked for some off the wall cut that nobody has ever heard of. They try to describe it and we just scratch our heads huh! LOL!
IF I've not off on this one, CarniceroLarry told me once that he had never heard of a Cal. Chuck Roast, Which is well known on the Eastern side of the country, that they called them something else out there. I don't remember what, maybe he will drop in and refresh my old mind LOL