are there any color blind meat colors in here who have trouble seeing green on the meat? just wondering how to you get by? I am kind of embarrassed to admit i am one of them. I don't think its that bad but I miss stuff sometimes,.
fdarn, I've known two meat cutters, market mangers that had that problem.
one was with my last company, he was about to get run off because of missing discolored meat in his case, The "MEAT GOD " he had was the same as mine. one day we were talking about this guy, what a hell of a meat cutter he was and didn't understand why he over looked so much in his case. I made a remark about this other guy I knew that was colored bind, " Meat God " went and talk with him and ask him if he had that problem, he finally told he that he did. So " Meat God " told him to only let his wrapper pull his case, no one else. after that he had no more problems about it.