We use a True Hone Electric Sharpener, pretty spendy about 800 buck and they eat up your knives pretty quick, but they get the job done. Learn how to use a smooth steel and you'll ony have to sharpen then every 2 or 3 months
We used to have an electric wet stone sharpener but motor went out of it so I use a couple steels. I had a couple old knives that I used a grinder on them. Didn't do too bad of a job. Use them mainly for cutting chicken. Our maintenence man bought a cheap electric sharpener, but turned out a piece of junk.
every shop i ever worked in used a sharpening service. they would bring in sharp rental knives every week and als do our personal knives for 2or 3 bucks each. we also had a wet Tri-stone for sharpening. however i also bought my own Diamond steel. that is not the brand name but it is a steel that is impregnated with industrial diamond dust. it was phenomenal and once i had that i could not live without it. i don't know about others but working on nylon insteat of wood, if i didn't maintain a super edge on my knives it afected my entire mood for the whole day.
we have 2 options...you can take your knife out to the shop to be ground (this like said above eats up your knife and results in the painful needle tip lol) or our room has the tri wet stone (my preferred) along with your steal..I think we all have our days we just can't keep our knives for shyte and i also have a diamond steal like jimhenery for those bad knife days lol...But I start my day with a few likes on the wet stone and I'm good to go..I was given GREAT advice when I first started when using my steal...You touch your knife like a women...softly SOFT smooth licks across your steal NEVER like diz *he was german as well* lol
yeah safeway had one of those...The manager looked at me like i was high when he gave me my knives ect and I looked round asked where the stone was..OOH no no no no we don't bother with those here an off to the belt sander he took me..All the equipment I've worked with lol that thing scared the hell outta me..I told em I'd be takin my knives home with me..lol The plant uses a wet grinder i suppose it's called...Ive never taken my knives to them to be sharpened the stone works fantastic for me why mess up a good edge lol
I bought a Kasco cutlery grinder some yrs back just cause it's so fast no matter how dull a knife is or what a piece of crap it is you can make it shavin sharp in a minute or two. They were about 4 hundred something then I think their 5 something now. They use aluminum oxide belts. 80 grit is common but I opt for 100 grit. They will eat up a knife if you oversharpen. Not a prob once you get the hang of it. I haven't bought a knife in yrs.
I use an try oil stone. Don't like electronic sharpeners, they don't get the right angle. They only get the very edge and after a while they get to be like a wedge! then you can't cut thru thick fat very good. on the stone, I can get the right taper. sharpening service, they take to much off, and your knife last about 3 mths!
I bought a Kasco cutlery grinder some yrs back just cause it's so fast no matter how dull a knife is or what a piece of crap it is you can make it shavin sharp in a minute or two. They were about 4 hundred something then I think their 5 something now. They use aluminum oxide belts. 80 grit is common but I opt for 100 grit. They will eat up a knife if you oversharpen. Not a prob once you get the hang of it. I haven't bought a knife in yrs.
We use the Kasco grinder also. It works great but yea, you can go through knives quit quickly if you over do it. I perfer the 120 grit and finish them of with a diamond metal "stone" (the kind used for sharpening chisels)
I bought a Kasco cutlery grinder some yrs back just cause it's so fast no matter how dull a knife is or what a piece of crap it is you can make it shavin sharp in a minute or two. They were about 4 hundred something then I think their 5 something now. They use aluminum oxide belts. 80 grit is common but I opt for 100 grit. They will eat up a knife if you oversharpen. Not a prob once you get the hang of it. I haven't bought a knife in yrs.
We use the Kasco grinder also. It works great but yea, you can go through knives quit quickly if you over do it. I perfer the 120 grit and finish them of with a diamond metal "stone" (the kind used for sharpening chisels)
Where do you find 120 grit? I have hard time finding 100. Are they 24 in. belts?
I use an try oil stone. Don't like electronic sharpeners, they don't get the right angle. They only get the very edge and after a while they get to be like a wedge! then you can't cut thru thick fat very good. on the stone, I can get the right taper. sharpening service, they take to much off, and your knife last about 3 mths!
with the kasco you can use any bevel you choose. I actually use two different ones, one kind of flat then one not so flat. Same principle as chef's choice grinders.
I get my belts from my Kasco rep... he comes by every 2 months or so. I will have to check if the are 24" when I get back to work tomorrow.
thanx A1
Hey.. Yea, we have 24" x 1.5" in 120 grit.
I could call my rep and see if he could ship you down a case if you want?
I appreciate that but let me see if I can get them a the local tool supply I know they have 100 grit in a 3" X 24" if they have 120's like that I'll just cut them in half. thanks for the offer!
We have a sharpening service come an take care of our knives. Not my idea! I like the tri stone or kasco manual sharpener. Every cutter ought to know how to sharpen their knives but very few today really know how...
We have a sharpening service come an take care of our knives. Not my idea! I like the tri stone or kasco manual sharpener. Every cutter ought to know how to sharpen their knives but very few today really know how...
My last job had an outside service who they rented knives from. One guy who was always talkin $#1TT did nothing but complain how dull the knives were they would bring in and how he wished the company would just furnish a stone that's all he needed. So I brought in my 3way norton stone. He was on that thing constantly for a week or so then abruptly quit never to complain again...problem solved! I guess their knives weren't so bad after all... Sweet.