yes ME....LOL I really can't say I am breaking records, but I'm doing more sales every month in the last 3 months...and this week has been fantastic...i'm not so stressed out anymore.
i ll probably break the stores record but doubt anyone will tell me. they like to keep me thinking it could be better. I haven't been with this store long enough to know how they usually around this time of year.
i would like to sday yes, but probably not. we had a no call no show on friday and i am expecting the same on sunday. no doubt the sales are better as compared to this week last year, usually running 6 to 15 % increase wkly for the last 3 months.
We'll post a weekly sales record for this same week compared to previous years. fdarn, you should request to see the numbers from previous years as well as the sales record. That is, what was sold in the previous years.
I am always wondering about the numbers sometimes I ask sometimes they tell me but the last store I worked at before this one they would NEVER tell me they didn't want us to know. I don't exactly know why they just had this its noones business thing going on. Even the meat manager didn't know the numbers for day or week. I think the stuck up owners were worried everyone would want a raise if they saw how good they were actually doing. I think i can get them here. I ll ask tomorrow how we did for the week.
Back in the Summer of 2008, we had a record week, then broke it the following week. Since then, we never could come close until this week. We broke it by the slimmest of margins. Worked our a@#* off to do it though. Came in this morning to do inventory and Meat room and Cooler were both out. Put in 10 hrs on a Sunday. I guess thats why Im a manager. Made a ton of kabobs and sold them.
All of our prices are higher so we easily passed last year each day this week. At least on Fri, Sat & Sun. Also, I think it matters a lot what day July 4 falls on. This year it's Monday and that gives us a 3 day weekend. The best possible situation for high sales volume. July 4 2010 was on a Sunday, almost, but not quite as good as Monday since many people got Monday, July 5 off too. Next year, it will be Wednesday (since it's a leap year). It may be difficult to exceed 2011 sales.
I'll post 15% sales growth up over $4000 from last year for the same week. No big deal. I agree Carnicero this week will be weak next year...unless oil prices plummet or grain gets cheap.
Larry sure knows how to put things into perpective. I don't know how we can really say we broke a record in sales. Maybe a record in totals but thats just the number. say if something is $2.00 now when 5 years ago it was $1.00 doesnt that mean you only have to sell half as many of them to get the same total? Plus I noticed alot of meat depts these days are doing 100% or more markup on ev erything. 5 to 10 years ago I was doing 35% markup no more. People Literally filled their buggies over flowing with just meat products. I don't see that much anymore but with a 1/4 full buggy of meat I bet the total is about the same as it was with a full buggy 5 years ago.
Now percentages is another thing. I like to compete with other depts and get the best percentage. I used to maintain a percentage between 28 and 35% back when i was meat manager at save a lot. but then times changed and different stores wanted produce to be the money maker and meat depts started slacking off and getting 12 to 18 and for some reason the bosses were happy...rediculous. isn't it? well where i am now i want to get the percentages back up to 28 or better weekly. going to try to find out tomorrow what they were over the last week.
beating sales almost every week since i started 3 months ago, margin is coming up slowly but steady overall (need to change it up, do some new value added) cheers!