whaere is the best online site to purchase from? looking for a 10 inch breaking knife and a stiff straight boning knife. the local kasco guy want an arm and a leg for them.
i like to get my knives from cutleryandmore.com the prices are good and they ship damn fast. if you order one tonight you'll have it by wednesday. maybe even tuesday. been buying from them for years. I select the cutlery tab ont he top and then click speciality knives and there are the butcher knives and you can also select boning knives ...because there are so many kinds of knives it can be a little hard to find what you are looking for thats why i pointed that out. they got all brands including forschner.
Hubert is a good source. Not too pricey. Go to amazon and you'll find some decent pricing as well. I like forschner but I have to say Atlanta Sharptech make good knives as well...
i used to order from butcher & packer, depending on where you are located...not sure of phone # or even web site...dont order knives anymore...we just tell the office if we need knives & what not & they send them to us in about a week or so!