A member on http://www.smokingmeatforums.com needs to purchase 175-200 lbs of meat to smoke for shredded BBQ beef, but brisket in his area is $4-$5 per pound (northern US). He has asked several meatcutters in his area with lots of misinformed answers, but whole boneless blade chuck would be the best bet. He states he could get whole boneless chuck for $2-$3 lb. but I'm questioning what exactly is he getting - do box boneless chucks still come as 2 piece and 3 piece (chuck shoulder and chuck shoulder shank)? Been out of the business for 20 yrs and don't know.
Cargill, USA Beef (COOL) 3 per case, neck off, very clean very little trimming necessary, first 4 inches for chuck-eye then roast out rest for smoking or slow cooking.